L A U R A M c C A L L T O R N O
S ON G W R I T E R / S I N G E R

New 2023 Release
"Catchin' Grasshoppers"
The song that Kenny Rogers referred to as "a legacy to his twin boys" is available for the first time on the Kenny Rogers' 'Life Is Like A Song'
posthumous album.
"Catchin' Grasshoppers" has been described as "a deeply personal ode to Rogers' twin sons with Wanda Rogers, Justin and Jordan", and as "the centerpiece" of the album.
"Years from now I won't remember this day/I won't recall the field/But I'll remember my children's eyes, lighting up like stars when they were five/Yes, I'll remember catchin' grasshoppers"
Kenny Rogers 'Life Is Like A Song' posthumous album
"Catchin' Grasshoppers" (Laura McCall Torno/Earl Torno)

My Kenny Rogers Story

"Years from now I won't remember this day
I won't recall the field
But I'll remember my children's eyes
Lighting up like stars when they were five
Yeah, I'll remember "Catchin' Grasshoppers..."
The Story Behind The Song
Catchin' Grasshoppers
From the moment the concept of "Catchin' Grasshoppers" was conceived, it was Kenny Rogers' voice that I distinctly heard in my mind singing this song. I knew this was "Kenny's Song". I could hear him vividly in my mind bringing his distinctive voice and gift of storytelling to every word and nuance of melody.
What I didn't know initially was that Kenny and his wife Wanda had two young boys, their twins Justin and Jordan. I learned that later, and was thrilled to modify the lyrics to have the twins woven throughout the song, tailoring the lines to reflect on the heartwarming relationship Kenny had with his boys, and his deep devotion to his family. Much to my surprise, I found out that Jordan and Justin's 5th birthday fell within days of this song landing into Kenny's hands, which was pretty amazing!
Then an unusual thing happened. During the time that my husband and music partner Earl Torno and I were writing and recording the demo for the song, we started seeing grasshoppers sitting on our second story window, which was something we had never seen before. We saw them on at least three or four occasions. I actually took a photo of one of those "hoppers" sunbathing on the window in hopes that I could one day look back on it as a memento to remind me of how, I believe, God gives all of us signs at different times in our life to guide us, and to affirm us when we're on our predestined path. Without question, I believe this was one of those times!
We were fortunate to have the support of our publisher Rex Benson, who believed in our song enough to get it to Kenny Rogers. Rex, who is renowned for bringing Kenny his Number One Billboard hit "Buy Me A Rose", immediately forwarded "Catchin' Grasshoppers" and much to our surprise and delight, a few days later he called us on behalf of Kenny, who had requested the instrumental version of the song to rehearse to.
Kenny had decided to cut "Catchin' Grasshoppers!!!
But the best was yet to come....
Meeting the Legendary Kenny Rogers . . .
The first time we met Kenny is a memory I treasure. Rex called to let us know we were being given tickets to one of Kenny's upcoming shows. We were thrilled! It had been arranged for us to meet Kenny briefly during the “meet and greet” period prior to the show, but we had no idea that Kenny would invite us to meet with him privately after the show. Kenny and his guitarist Randy Dorman went out of their way to make us feel very much at home, as did Kenny's tour manager Gene Roy. The show was outstanding, as we knew it would be. Kenny gave an amazing performance from start to finish and his band was fabulous!
The second the finale came to an end, a member of Kenny's security team appeared at the front of the stage and pointed towards us, motioning us to meet him at the side exit. As the audience was beginning to fill the aisles, the guard motioned us again to hurry. Like a scene out of Seinfeld, we were trying to cut through the congested aisle of exiting fans, "without knocking too many people down!"
We were led through what seemed like a long maze of hallways before we arrived at an exit door and found ourselves in the alleyway behind the venue, next to a line up of Kenny fans hoping to meet the legendary singer. The security member went onto the bus for a moment and returned to say it was fine for us to go on. As we entered and reached the top of the stairs, the guard left, closing the door behind us... and there stood Kenny, "The Gambler", the legendary singer himself, welcoming us on board!
He invited us to have a seat in his mobile living room. We spent time talking about the show, his career, and about life. Kenny spoke fondly of Wanda and their boys, and it was very palpable to us how important his family was to him. I’ll always remember how gracious he was to us, treating us like old friends. He also surprised us by pulling out his laptop, saying that he wanted us to have a listen to his recording of our song! We were sitting almost "knee to knee" across from Kenny Rogers as we listened to his distinctive, emotive voice singing our song! That amazing moment is indelibly etched in my memory.
Then he gave us the most wonderful gift. He told us how much “Catchin’ Grasshoppers” meant to him personally, how greatly he valued it, and that the song is a "legacy to his twin boys Justin and Jordan!" That was the most fulfilling moment that I as a songwriter could ever experience. There will never be another like it, and it's one I'll cherish forever.
Fast forward a few months after our amazing meeting with Kenny. For reasons unrelated to our song, or the fact that it had always been Kenny's intention to release "Catchin' Grasshoppers", it never was released during the remainder of Kenny's life. The years went by, and I always felt there was an unfinished chapter with this song and it's personal tie to Kenny and his twin boys, but when we heard the heartbreaking news that Kenny had passed in March of 2020, it seemed that chapter would remain unfinished forever.
It came as a tremendous surprise when Jason Henke, an artist manager from Vector Management in Nashville who worked closely with Kenny for 12 years, and who continues to work with Ken Levitan managing the Kenny Rogers Estate, called us in the summer of 2021. Jason wanted to let us know there was a Kenny Rogers posthumous album in the works featuring previously unreleased songs, and that "Catchin' Grasshoppers" would likely be included! I was extremely encouraged by the news, and even though we would have to wait for an official confirmation, in my heart I believed that this song that meant so much to Kenny (and to us), was predestined to be released.
A few months later Jason called us again, this time to confirm that our song was indeed slated to be on Kenny's album, and we've been celebrating ever since!
We didn't know at the time that "Catchin' Grasshoppers" would become the third single, or that the Press Release would refer to it as "the emotional centerpiece" of the album. Curated and executive produced by Kenny's widow Wanda Rogers, Jason Henke and Ken Levitan, 'Life Is Like A Song' "tells the story of love, life, loss, and faith between Rogers and his family", and I'm extremely honored and grateful to have our song included on this exceptional album!
Looking back, all the events that led to "Catchin' Grasshoppers" being included on the 'Life Is Like A Song' album have been nothing short of amazing. I am forever grateful to Kenny for embracing our song, and for letting us know that "Catchin' Grasshoppers" is a legacy to his twin boys!
Knowing that this song held such personal significance to Kenny... is Kenny's legacy to us.

Laura's Songs

Erica Nicole
Erica Nicole
Somebody Like Me
(Laura McCall Torno/EarlTorno/Ari Posner/Erica Ehm)

Small Town Saturday Night
Starring Chris Pine
Somebody Like Me
(Laura McCall Torno/EarlTorno/Ari Posner/Erica Ehm)

The PJ Masks
Hello Christmas Song
Performed by Laura McCall Torno
(Laura McCall Torno/Arun Chaturvedi/Luke McMaster)

The PJ Masks
Hey Hey Owlette
Performed by Laura McCall Torno
(Laura McCall Torno/Arun Chaturved/Luke McMaster)

Too Late To Say Goodbye
Somebody Like Me/Artist: Erica Nicole
(Laura McCall Torno/Erica Ehm/Ari Posner/EarlTorno)

Degrassi: The Next Generation
Shadow of Lies/Artist: Billy Klippert
(Billy Klippert/Earl Torno/Laura McCall Torno)

Massive Monster Mayhem
Don't Stomp My Heart
(Laura McCall Torno/Luke McMaster/Arun Chaturvedi/)

Jef Kearns
Just Jane
Ft. Carlos Morgan
(Laura McCall Torno/EarlTorno/Kurt Hagan)
More Songs On The Way . . . .

Sunday Afternoon
Performed by: Neil Donell
(Laura McCall Torno/EarlTorno/J.K. Gulley)

Too Good A Friend/Rique Franks
(Laura McCall Torno/Kurt Hagan/EarlTorno)

Degrassi: 'This Charming Man'
Sometimes In My Dreams
Performed by Sarah Tommasino
(Laura McCall Torno/Erica Ehm/Earl Torno)

About Laura
Laura McCall Torno is a songwriter/singer from Toronto. Her songs span multiple genres and have been cut by artists in both Canada and the US, including Juno Award winner Carlos Morgan, 'Canadian Idol' finalist Billy Klippert, Chris Rouse, and Country Music Independent Artist of the Year (2016), Erica Nicole.
Most notably, Laura's song "Catchin' Grasshoppers", a collaboration with music partner Earl Torno, was cut by the legendary Kenny Rogers. The song has just been released for the first time on the Kenny Rogers' 'Life Is Like A Song' posthumous album in addition to being the third single. "Catchin' Grasshoppers" is referred to in the press release as an unreleased gem, and the "emotional centerpiece" of the album.
Laura's songs have been placed in TV shows/movies, including the hit series ‘Degrassi: The Next Generation’, 'Instant Star', ‘Too Late To Say Goodbye’ starring Rob Lowe, and the Chris Pine feature film 'Small Town Saturday Night'. Laura has also written and sang on several songs for the number one Disney Junior show ‘PJ Masks’, with her song “Hey Hey Owlette” garnering well over 40 MILLION YouTube views! "Hey Hey Owlette" has also been performed across North America in The PJ Masks live tour.
Her "Homeless Veteran PTSD song", “I’m Not Home”, landed on the PTSDJournal.com’s ‘Music To Hear’ list alongside notable songs like Joe Bachman’s “Soldier’s Memoir” and Lady Gaga’s “Til’ It Happens To You”. The song, written with Joe Hash and Earl Torno, has been used to help raise awareness by charitable organizations and the lyric video for the song currently has a quarter of a million YouTube views, many of the viewers being Veterans and their families, who this song has resonated so deeply with.
Laura McCall Torno has collaborated with seasoned songwriters such as Luke McMaster, Arun Chaturvedi, Canadian Idol Finalist Billy Klippert, Ari Posner, Tim White (Headstones), Mark Conklin, Erica Ehm, CJ Huyer (3Deep), Joe Hash, JK Gulley, as well as writing and working extensively with her long time music partner/husband, industry veteran Earl Torno.